The Turning Point survey also indicated that for those people who are unhappy at work, two of the major drivers are not having fulfilling work (11.7%) and not having their heart in the work (25.5%).
Happiness and engagement are positively correlated. Increasing both leads to improved customer service, reduced sick leave and absenteeism, better team-work, increased innovation, commitment and retention of talent. All of this translates to a better bottom line result.
If you want to increase happiness and engagement at work Stanford Graduate School of Business has prepared a business case outlining four ways to increase happiness:
- 'Higher purpose' feeling part of something much bigger than yourself. Making a difference where shared goals and making joint contributions are important.
- 'Autonomy' being in control of your own path and destiny. Being able to have a say and make decisions about your work.
- 'People' developing meaningful relationships where you need to come together and collaborate.
- 'Impact' having your work impact on the lives of others. Being able to see concrete, positive and measurable impacts on other people.
A central theme in our development model is 'The Good Work' which is all about pursuing work opportunities which makes a positive difference and is meaningful to customers, employees and society.
Unhappiness can lead to depression. In Australia in any one year 1 million adults will suffer from depression. So creating happier workplaces not only benefits a business but it benefits all touch points (familes, friends, community and society). It builds both financial and social capital. It makes our workplaces better to work in and our world a better place to live in.
To learn more about the costs of disengagement for business then click here.
To learn more about the programs we deliver to help people be more fulfilled, happy and engaged at work click here.