How we do it ยป tools & programs

tools & programs

We are specialists in the leadership and change, talent and engagement space and have invested more than 20 years of research and practical experience into the development of innovative tools and programs.  Some of the programs, products and tools we have designed and implemented with clients are outlined below.

cause discovery

Our starting point is a consulting process to help your enterprise understand the answers to these questions:

  • For what purpose does your organisation exist? What is its reason for being? Does it know?
  • What do the values of your people (employees, contractors, customers, stakeholders) indicate to you about what is most important to them?
  • Are your work practices, policies and processes aligned?
  • Does the work and roles performed in your enterprise contribute in the most effective way to that purpose?

leadership on purpose

Developing leadership capabilities required for leadership of the business towards its good work, enrichment of people and the creation of a growing business. Typically interventions take a mixture of forms and include leadership programs, coaching and mentoring. The content areas are frequently centred on aligning the business, developing teams and developing self.

your cause

An intensive coaching program designed for senior leaders and executives to explore their cause on a more individual and highly personal level.  The program starts with an appreciation of your capability and potential, strengths, values, motivations and aspirations, passions, career highlights and learnings. We then move into a deep exploration of convictions or your cause and how you want to give expression to that in your work and personal life.  Finally we identify strategies and action plans to more effectively align and integrate your cause into context of the business strategic priorities and desired future work.

executive coaching

We coach managers through to executive level staff in leadership effectiveness, career strategy, creation of new work opportunities, development of a personal brand, management of reputation and managing stakeholder interests.

Engagement and Alignment Diagnostic Tool – iREAP®

The individual Role Engagement Alignment Profile is designed to help people have an enriched experience of work.  It does this by enabling people to increase their awareness about what motivations are most important to them and to make informed career choices whether to stay and grow in their current role, move somewhere else within their current organisation or to exit and explore opportunities elsewhere.  It also facilitates insightful and meaningful career/engagement conversations between manager’s and their people. 

The iREAP® has been used to support thousands of individuals through self-assessment or 1-1 coaching.  It can also be used in leadership development and career development programs.

To obtain an overview of the purpose and benefits of using the iREAP® tool and process then click here.

Cognitive Capability Assessment (CPA)

The Career Path Appreciation (CPA) assesses the potential and cognitive capability of a person to make transitions into more senior level roles.  It will indicate what role complexity will be required to keep a person engaged and in-flow (both now and into the future). It also provides an indication of the timing of transitions and what strategic development will be required for that person to actualise their capability.

For more information on the purpose and process then click here for a 1-page outline on the CPA tool and process. 

Career Enrichment program

The Career Enrichment Program enables people to take stock of where they are at in their career and explore what changes they would like to make to enrich their experience of work.  It will support decisions to re-engage in a current role or to move onto the next opportunity.  Action plans are created which will enable people to pioneer the most effective pathway for growth and development. 

This program can be customised for your organisation and works best if it is integrated with your performance review and development process.  It can be delivered in multiple formats (workshop delivery, webinar, self-paced and 1-1 coaching). 

For an outline of the program purpose and expected outcomes click here

career enrichment toolkit

The career enrichment program is supported by a comprehensive career enrichment toolkit as well as the iREAP® tool.  It can be worked through on your own in a self-paced manner or supported by 1-1 coaching and group-based workshops. 

Click here to download the introductory chapter. 

Career Management Toolkit

A comprehensive career management resource that enables employees to implement their career action plans. The toolkit will build key knowledge and skills in:

  • Resume preparation
  • Job research
  • Networking
  • Interviewing
  • Ongoing career management

Worked through individually in a self-paced manner or also used in 1-1 coaching and group-based workshops. Click here to download the introductory chapter. 

Conversations that Count

Managers sometimes find it hard to have conversations about the future: potential, career moves and aspirations.  A focus on performance and the past is much easier because there can be outcomes that are measured.  But the future and the possibilities that are presented is what motivates and excites people.  Conversations that count provides a structure and framework for conversations about the things that are most important.

This half-day program is run in parallel for manager’s and their direct reports.  The individuals who participate have an opportunity to review their personal motivations, needs and aspirations and plan their next steps.  It also prepares them to have a career engagement conversation with their manager about the changes they might like to make in their current role and ideas for the future.  For the managers participating it is an opportunity for them to take the time to demonstrate they truly care about their people and to explore with their staff who they can jointly contribute to the future growth and prosperity of the business.

Effective Performance Conversations / Straight Talk

Explores the frameworks, principles and behaviours required for managers to hold their people accountable for meeting performance expectations.  Addresses elements such as setting goals aligned to the business direction, reviewing performance and giving and receiving feedback. It also explores the elements of trust in a relationship and how to build it.  Talking straight, being truthful, transparent and getting to the core of issues is also addressed.

Building Resilience

Workplaces are becoming more complex, and fast-paced. Workplace stress and anxiety is now costing businesses millions of dollars in absenteeism, lost-time injury and lost productivity. The solution is that people need to become more resilient to develop the stamina to keep up, balance their energy, focus on the tasks and make clear decisions.  This program looks at resilience from a mental, emotional, physical and spiritual dimension. 

Click here for an overview of the building resilience program.

engagement and alignment surveys

We can survey engagement levels for an entire enterprise, department or team.  We also measure levels of alignment of motivations in a role (job-fit).  The point of difference with our surveys is that we believe individuals have a responsibility for their engagement level.  We therefore not only produce aggregated group engagement surveys but individually tailored reports which enable career decision-making to stay and grow in role, move or go elsewhere.

talent risk mitigation

We assess and mitigate talent risks in terms of retention (intention to stay), contribution of latent capability, advocacy and burnout.  Reports outlining talent risks as well as recommended career decision making can be provided to executive and senior personnel responsible for talent and succession planning decisions.  We also support senior executive in how to have effective talent and career development conversations.

Career engagement conversations

Executives don't necessarily know how to have conversations with talent about future work possibilities, potential and aspirations. Career engagement conversations are about co-creating the future by inviting talent to identify their own opportunities and make them happen.  It is about eliciting ideas for value-add, new strategic directions, building alignment and commitment and shared commitment, Essentially they enable your organisation to hang onto much needed talent and sustain their engagement over time.

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